June 29, 2020Colombia, O-Tour of the day Virtual O-Tour of the Day: La Candelaria, Bogotá, Colombia Today we TFH (Travel From Home) to South America with Bogotá, the capital of Colombia! The large metropolis has a lot for […]
June 16, 2020Uncategorized What is Metvigo? Metvigo is a new brand launched by Metrunner for its event platform service. Explore thousands of orienteering and running events worldwide every […]
June 5, 2020O-Tour of the day, Vietnam Virtual O-Tour of the Day: Danang, Vietnam Danang (Da Nang, also Turon/Tourane) is a well-travelled city in the middle of Vietnam, with beaches lining in front of the modern […]
June 2, 2020Iceland, O-Tour of the day Virtual O-Tour of the day: Reykjavík Ah, Iceland. The Nordic island nation in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean has long been attractive for tourists worldwide. Reykjavík, the […]